SCYTHEGerman Atmospheric Death Metal band SCYTHE started their Metal journey in 1994. They produced many demo tapes until finally, in 1998, releasing their first, more serious demo CDR entitled "Last Eclipse". This demo contained old, rearranged songs as well as some new material. The second CDR demo was released in 2000 and so far the band stuck firmly to oldschool Death Metal roots. For their third release, "On My Way Home" they demonstrate maturity and an excellent combination of Brutal Death Metal and Atmospheric Melody. I had received a CDR of "On My Way Home" and not long after formed Witches Brew. SCYTHE were the first band to join our ranks. "On My Way Home" was given an official release and a year later followed up with the excellent "Poetry Of Illusions". In 2004 the band celebrated their 10th year anniversary and to commemorate this, went back into the same studio where "Poetry Of Illusions" was recorded to go back in their past and dig up some old material to re-record and re-master, taking the form of the very aggressive, excellent, "The Process Of Rotting".

LATEST NEWS: SCYTHE are rehearsing with a 4-member-live-lineup at the moment. Live appearances are scheduled for early spring 2005. Be sure to catch them on tour if they come through or near your area ! I know I will ! SCYTHE's 10th year anniversary album, "The Process Of Rotting", is out. The first 100 copies of the CD come with an awesome SCYTHE sew-on logo patch. Expect some really heavy material as the band have dug back in their career and pulled out some of their greatest songs ! Listen to 'Disinclination' and 'Sabotage Of My Youth' in the MP3 section and hear for yourself.

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"Last Eclipse" Demo 1999
"Silent Is The Future" Demo 2001
"On My Way Home" 2002 WITCHES BREW
"Poetry Of Illusions" 2003 WITCHES BREW
"The Process Of Rotting" 2004 WITCHES BREW